Chaperone Policy
Chaperone policy - patient notice
This Clinic is committed to providing a comfortable and safe environment for both patients and staff, ensuring best practice is always followed and customer and patient confidence is maintained.
- All patients have a right to the presence of a chaperone during a consultation, examination or procedure - this includes an informal chaperone such as a family member or a friend.
- You may prefer to have a formal chaperone present, in which case we will always have an HCA present.
Please inform us when you make an appointment so that we can make the necessary arrangements.
Committed to providing a comfortable and safe environment
Dr Hextall may choose to have a chaperone present during your consultation, examination or procedure - this intention will be made clear to you beforehand.
If you prefer not to have a chaperone present and the Doctor is not happy to continue without one, we will make every effort to arrange for you to see another health professional as quickly as possible.
If you would like to see a copy of our chaperone policy, or have any questions regarding this, please speak to the reception staff or manager.